- Third Wave Fund - BIPOC gender justice liberation

Description: Third Wave Fund advances the community power, well-being, and self-determination of young Black, Indigenous, People of Color

transgender (970) feminism (482) third wave (22) gender justice (10) women and girls (9) third wave feminism (2) third wave fund third wave foundation third wave direct action social justice philanthropy

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​Mic Check! is a podcast featuring conversations with young women, intersex, queer, and trans folks of color about what it’s really like on the frontlines and backlines of the fight for gender justice, and how listeners - and funders - can best support grassroots movements.

We send out quarterly emails with updates on our latest grantees and their organizing work, grant opportunities, organizational resources, and opportunities to support our work in resourcing youth-led, gender justice movements across the U.S. and territories!

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