- Things To Do First - The Ultimate Bucket List

Description: Your guide to living life to the full. The ultimate bucket list, full of ideas for you to try out during your lifetime.

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Tips and ideas of exciting things to do during your life…

Doing a bungee jump whether 160 foot or 300 is a very scary experience. With your harness attached and your feet strapped together you are lifted up in the crane. You are weighed a couple of times so that the correct bungee cord is attached. Watching over people jump you think it’s not too bad and it looks fun. But when told to jump from the top it doesn’t seem so easy! But when pushed by an instructor at the top and falling and bouncing it is fun! It’s like a ride in a theme park, its not so scary! Your he

powerball It’s such a worthwhile experience being a student, studying for a course you enjoy joining societies and sports so you can learn many new skills, or even volunteering like the Raising and Giving Society doing crazy things to raise money for charity. You can gain independence moving away from home and of course the graduation ceremony is a day you’ll never forget!

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