- Weight Management | HealthBridge Services

Description: Weight Management a HealthBridge Service: Are you tired of trying to lose those extra pounds? How many different diets have you tried only to realize each time you gain the weight all back (and possibly more)? Do you worry about the risks to your health and quality of life? You aren’t alone. Our team of experts know that serious weight problems are often not your fault. We’ll help you understand why you’ve gained the weight, and then develop a plan to help you lose the weight safely and effectively.

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Are you tired of trying to lose those extra pounds? Do you struggle with hormonal weight gain or compounded medical issues that make it harder to curb cravings? How many different diets have you tried, only to realize each time you gain the weight all back… and more? Do you worry about the risks to your health and quality of life?

You aren’t alone. With the compassionate help of our Board Certified, university affiliated physicians and specialists, you don’t have to resign yourself to such a fate. Our program has achieved remarkable success, regardless of whether you need to lose 5 or 500 pounds.

Our Thin-Site program was developed by Dr. David Edelson, one of the nation’s top doctors in Obesity Medicine. Dr. Edelson is one of only 3000 Board Certified Obesity Medicine specialists in the world all while sharing the knowledge and training the next generation of weight loss specialists. Our goal is to remove the barriers to your weight loss by determining why you gained the weight in the first place.