- The War Report on Public Education – Dr. James Avington Miller Jr

Description: Dr. James Avington Miller Jr

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Welcome to Part 2 of The War Report’s Back to the Future Series on the Common Core. In this episode, Dr. Deborah Owens will answer questions from our previous  blog  and address what she calls “the gorilla in the room.” The following is Dr. Owen’s synopsis of the upcoming show:

By Deborah Owens

The Common Core represents the “gorilla in the room.”  This gorilla has further facilitated a raft of pro-corporate education reform initiatives that support charter schools, Teach for America, Draconian high stakes testing, VAM models for teacher accountability, and data mining of students’ personal and academic information — each of which lines the pockets of Wall Street entrepreneurs at the expense of our locally controlled public schools and, most importantly, our nation’s most precious resource, our ch

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