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“This project must become the absolute top in the section of private villas. And it must come with every possible luxurious detail’’, said Pablo Villarroel, the architect who designed The View Villas with the following principle in mind: the relationship with nature and the sea is always central.

Senso truly believes in the power of nature. Senso floors and walls are therefore made using natural materials such as ground stone and of plant derived resins. Ensuring the product has as little impact on the environment as possible and is entirely safe to use.

Building for an ultra-luxurious market is the main business of Andecorpo-Grupo FG, from Marbella / Coín – Malaga, they started in July’19 with building the first villas on The View Villas. Personal attention to the customer, aftercare and an exceptionally high finishing level characterise this construction company.