- – social commentary & political humor

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social commentary & political humor

The deal, U.S. Supreme Court, is, see, white America hasn’t totally changed their views on the races since the 1960s. The dominant, or domineering, race of this nation is still white. And not surprisingly to nonwhite Americans, racial prejudices and bigotry still exist. That’s why government programs like affirmative action used in considering employee hires and college admissions were created. The program was fundamentally necessary when created in the early 1960s. White people, time and again, have shown

Yet since the 1980s, a growing white segment of the U.S. population decided they are being replaced by other races in employment and college. Race consideration in college admissions was to be fair toward minorities by giving them a leg up, a gigantic break . Even so, nonwhite families still have far fewer members who earn college degrees. Affirmative action was a small way to open doors for nonwhite families who historically were treated like third-class citizens in their own country .