- These United States

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You all are the best. You been with us for 2 or 4 or 7 years now, most of you. That’s meant 5 albums and almost 1,000 shows from our end, and we’ve loved every damn minute on the stage and mile on the highway. It’s time for TUS to take a quick break, maybe just for the next few months (who’re we kidding? we won’t be able to stay off the road for more than 2 weeks…) while we work on a whole bunch of projects we’re pretty excited about. More to come on those. And TUS will be back soon. But we thought we owed

I’ll Bring You a Song

“To hold your breath forever is to lose it in the end – you have to let it out and let it in,” you screamed to me as we were tumbling, cartwheeling the corn in tribute to the seed we’d thrown to spring. The summer in its fast fires and its dry skies an altogether wilder burning thing…