- The Runaway Palate – Food. Travel. Cooking. Random musings. Maybe some historical stuff.

Description: Food. Travel. Cooking. Random musings. Maybe some historical stuff.

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Food. Travel. Cooking. Random musings. Maybe some historical stuff.

We are living in such unprecedented times where the entire world is in lockdown. For us in Singapore, we are just in our 5th day of a real lockdown, though the government likes to use the euphemism 'circuit breaker'. I would rather call it what it is -- a lockdown. And we should call it … Continue reading The Saturday Kitchen – Baked Flounder with Lemon, Capers & Butter

I love the distinctive flavour of almonds. They lend themselves so nicely to all sorts of dishes, from hefty sweet pies to flourless cakes, cookies to Chinese desserts like almond cream with red bean-filled rice balls and delicately brittle Chinese almond cookies. I enjoy them on top of fragrant, spiced pilafs both Indian and Middle … Continue reading The Saturday Kitchen – Easy, Successful Amaretti Cookies