- The Retirement Project

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(or how to move onto a sailboat) With the advent of our 50th birthdays came the usual sorts of life evaluations that one goes through. At what have I succeeded? What contributions have I made? What do I have left that I want to do before I die? Living on the water was high on both our lists. For any who share the dream, and for our family members who might not understand, this is our story. We don't know where it will take us, but welcome along for the ride!

Back in 2015 we put Kintala on the hard at Oak Harbor Marina so we could go back to St. Louis and get our condo ready to sell. The renter had moved out and we were ready to be done with the trouble. When we came back to launch the boat, we were fortunate enough to have a group of friends close by to spend some time with. It's the one thing cruisers say over and over again, the fact that you can meet someone cruising then not see them for months or even years, then pick up just like you never left off.

This past week we had an opportunity to see some friends we haven't seen in eight years. They live close to where we were docked at Kent Island and they braved the traffic to come see us on the boat. It was like we saw them yesterday. Stories were exchanged, food was shared, and laughter abounded. It's still the one thing that has been the most important to me about this lifestyle—the peeps we've met along the way. I'm looking forward to having the boat in St. Louis near home, but I admit to realizing that