- The Resource – Support, Training and Resources for Youth and Children's Ministry

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I established The Resource in September 2014 to support, encourage and equip those working with children, young people and families in the local church. I’ve 37 years experience in ministry with children and young  people at local churches, for regional areas and at national events.

I’ve a Masters in Reflective Practice and Applied Theology from Oxford Brookes (2011); I’m a Trustee for CYM (The Institute for Children, Youth and Mission); a guest lecturer at a number of Colleges – including St Mellitus (London), Emmanuel College and Reign Ministries and last year I established ‘ Paraklesis ‘ – The Association of Children’s, Youth and Families Ministers.

I love mentoring children’s and youth ministers; delivering training and offering consultancy for churches and faith groups as they explore their way forward with children, young people and families – see below for some testimonials.