- T. H. Ravencroft

Description: I write about RPGs, gaming, technology, and IT. I also design games and do technical writing in medicine and data science.

baseball (2877) friendship (604) dnd (235) socializing (21) human relationships (7)

Example domain paragraphs

I was thinking about friendship and human relationships and finally solved them, so I wanted to share with the world so the world may benefit from my research.

Inspiration was the Ron Swanson perspective on knowing other people and the Seinfeld “ I already have like 3 friends ” scene. The Dunbar number (you can only know like 150 people) is frequently tossed around, but i t may be bullshit. Or not .

The point is I only have the energy to care about a handful of people. (Likewise, parasocial relationships are weird to me, why do I care what a guy who fake screams at video games does?).