- Manly Guys Doing Manly Things » Updated Mondays or whenever I feel like it

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I know it’s been a couple weeks since an update, but honestly, after eight years of doing this with no break the whole house of cards just kind of collapsed on me. I had no ideas, no energy, no time, I just hit a breaking point where I was sick of putting up unfunny filler comics every week and needed to take a break to sleep and play a videogame to make a videogame joke about hahaha.

In other news, if you’re a fan of comics about Soldier 76 and Reaper smooching each other, I did a four page comic about exactly that for this anthology full of even more of exactly that that’s up for preorder right now ! These extremely wholesome Gabriel Reyes expressions and many more could be yours to own!

Thanks to the fine fols at Developers at Large and Hiveworks I’ve got a brand new website with real ads that will hopefully make some real money! (psst, It would be really nice of you to disable your adblockers on this site, by the way~)

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