- Plymothian | Reflections

Description: Reflections

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I have had many conversations with people who want to believe a relative or a friend is ‘saved.’  These friends hope this relative made a decision for Jesus in a coma, became a Christian secretly, or made a decision at camp years ago.  Quite often, the life the friend or relative is living will show no sign of faith.  There is no evidence the individual is walking with Jesus.  People appeal for faith without works at the cross – literally the event of the crucifixion.  Jesus turned to the sinner next to him

However, even this example does not provide comfort for those who want faith without works.  The repentant sinner on the cross acted in accordance with his faith when he spoke to Jesus.  He didn’t do many things, but he did do one.  We see evidence of a change of heart.  Jesus states many times that the heart will show up in speech and action.  If a person’s actions are not in accordance with salvation, we are to act toward that person as if there is no salvation.

People are very guarded on the issue of faith and works.  They read the apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:8.  It is by faith we are saved, and not by works, lest anyone should boast.  However, later in the very same passage Paul states this faith will result in works.  Faith is not a passive or static thing.  James, Jesus’ brother, makes that very clear.  Demons have a ‘faith’ which is passive belief.  They believe in God, they know there are angels, they accept that Jesus is the Son of God.  If saving faith is d