- The People of Truth

Description: The People of Truth

christian (10779) jesus (7674) christ (3051) kent (2891) truth (1114) holy spirit (787) prophecy (532) holy ghost (99) grady (21) thomlinson (3)

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A Holy Nation

The Scripture gives us an ominous warning in Psalm 9:17.  “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”  There is no doubt that this generation is truly witness to the truth of this verse.

As I began to gather my thoughts for this message, a thought occurred to me: the word “godless” does not occur anywhere in the Bible: at least not in the King James’ version.  This is because while someone can be ungodly, or hypocritical, no one is truly godless.  You see, God created man to worship, so man cannot help but worship something or someone.  Some create false deities to worship, others worship possessions, others money, others self, etc.  Every living soul holds some object of worship, therefore