- The Other Side of the Couch

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This book should be a staple on the bookshelves of every counselor, therapist, social worker and any other care provider in human services. This is healing for the healer-- therapy that turns its sights from the patient on the proverbial couch to the caregiver who runs a daily practice fraud with the stress and strain of helping others.

Melissa Danielson gives us an insider’s view of the daily work and challenges of a counseling practitioner. She offers a bouquet of help to helpers: how to manage time, set healthy workday boundaries, manage stress, crisis, nutrition, and rest and compassion fatigue. Her techniques include visualization, dreams, art, aromatherapy, cleansing rituals, progressive relaxation, meditation and more. In an effort to equip practitioners with the tools they need for their own well-being, she gives tips for in-office

Her sensitivity is clear. She understands the fine balance of managing an often overwhelming life’s work with the self-care required to create a successful and rewarding career. Practitioners will find a variety of remedies for the stressors of practice as well as keen insight into the demands of the workaday world.