- The Other Pancreas

Description: A fully autonomous artificial pancreas system consisting of a home-grown insulin pump, a Dexcom® continuous glucose monitor, and an Android phone. The goal of TOP is to eliminate the burdens of living with Type 1 Diabetes.

cgm (94) type 1 diabetes (86) closed loop (27) t1d (24) insulin pump (21) artificial pancreas (6) type one diabetes (4) diy insulin pump (1)

Example domain paragraphs

A fully autonomous artificial pancreas system consisting of a home-grown insulin pump, a Dexcom® continuous glucose monitor, and an Android phone. The goal of TOP is to eliminate the burdens of living with Type 1 Diabetes.

The Other Pancreas (TOP) is designed to make carb-counting a thing of the past. Humans aren't good at carb-counting. If you guess too high and do too much insulin, your blood sugar goes low. If you guess too low and don't do enough insulin, your blood sugar ends up high.

TOP overcomes this by delivering the necessary boluses every five minutes. TOP's algorithms are designed to handle meals and other glucose changes without any user interaction.