- Biological Dentist in Brighton & Hove | Mercury free | Biological Dentistry

Description: Dentist in Brighton & Hove city. Mercury free Dentist and Holistic Dentist specialist. Dental services with Nutritional Therapy.

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You want to learn more about our teeth, gain new and interesting knowledge from experts and hear about incredible dental successes. You have tried many approaches but still haven’t found an ideal solution for your dental problems. You want to know how you can take care of your dental health and tremendously improve it YOURSELF. You are ready to take dental health in your own hands. You want to effectively improve and permanently maintain your dental health. You want to regain the strength of your teeth and

Deep breathing helps to relax, lowering the harmful effects of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. It also lowers the heart rate and helps lower the blood pressure. Deep breathing activates parasympathetic nervous system, which induces the relaxation response. There are many different breathing practices that will accomplish this, but the following technique is…

The importance of breathing is often overlooked. Yet imbalances in the way we breathe affects body chemistry and blood pH, the first step in all diseases. Ideally, we should breathe through our nose with our tongue resting on our palate. Our nose is designed to filter, warm and humidify the air we breathe. Dysfunctional breathing…

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