- Themis Litigation Support

Description: Trial Graphics and Litigation Support

trial graphics (17) legal graphics (10) trial tech (10) trial boards (2)

Example domain paragraphs

It could go either way, depending upon the power of evidence presented to support the answer. A picture tells a story more succinctly than volumes of pages, and it stays in the mind longer. In short, that is a large part of what we do, put your words into a story that a jury can follow. As full-service litigation support firm located in Midtown Atlanta, we provide a variety of services to lawyers for all stages of the litigation process; development and production...

75% of all learning is visual, and we provide the “visuals” in the form of demonstrative exhibits for trials, mediations, arbitrations, and in other fora such as before legislative, zoning, and other governmental authority meetings.  We can create, enhance, render and prepare your demonstrative exhibits of all types and for all budgets, as boards or tech projection.  We also can prepare demonstrative exhibits in connection with your expert witnesses or...

Themis assists lawyers in conceiving, producing, and presenting at trial and in other litigation settings all types of visual aids and similar constructs, to enable counsel to most effectively and persuasively present their evidence and arguments. From document blow-ups to trial boards to PowerPoint presentations to computer-generated demonstrations and Trial Director, we have expertise and experience to substantially assist and enhance any attorney presentation....