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Alex Martinez (women’s track) Sara Serena  (softball) Soren Thrawl (men’s lax) Faith Lewis (women’s soccer) Adrian Wlodarz (men’s swim) Major Psychology Psychology Double major in Computer Science and Mathematics Masters in Business Administration with concentrations in business analytics and finance Aerospace and Aviation Technologies Event/ Position 60m, 100m, 200m, and the 4x100m relay Pitcher and […]

As Coach Dan Friend reflected on this past 2023 season with the men’s volleyball team, he spoke nothing but highly of his athletes. The first words that came to his mind were gritty and resilient. “After a loss we’re bouncing back and we’re right back at it working hard in the gym,” said Friend.    […]

When playing the same sport as your older brother might sound pressuring given his athletic success, women’s volleyball player Juliana Van Loo, embraces the opportunity instead.  Someone once said “siblings” is the definition that comprises love, strife, competition and forever friends. Siblings often challenge themselves, compete and even fight, but also complement and give each […]