- The Last Great Day: Hope for all Humanity in the Plan of God and human destiny

Description: The Last Great Day: Hope for all Humanity in the Plan of God and human destiny

death (1198) god's mercy (5) the plan of god (2) 8th day (2) second resurrection (1) valley of dry bones (1) hope for the dead (1) not the only day of salvation (1) will the dead live again (1) burning in hell (1)

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The Last Great Day

For nearly 6 thousand years now, humanity has lived and died, with most of these people never understanding the true plan of God for them, or their human destiny.

Billions have lived their lives, whether for a few years or for 7 or 8 decades, or more, and everyone eventually losing family and friends to the enemy called death in the process. The sadness of separation, the wondering whether the friend or family member went to heaven, or is burning in hell, or what might have happened to them, and will we ever see them again.