
Example domain paragraphs

After arriving in the United States, it can be difficult for newcomers to adapt to their new surroundings and to settle into a home and stable job. There are many things about America that are very different from the rest of the world, so the newly immigrated might go through some temporary struggles while they acculturate.

The best way for a recent immigrant to learn about the basics of American law and society is at a government office such as the DMV or a post office. For those who feel nervous about going to a government office, there are organizations that are dedicated to helping recent immigrants become acclimated to American society. These organizations help provide information for healthcare, housing, and other necessary essentials. Hiring an immigration lawyer is one of the best ways to ensure the immigration settlem

People in the United States tend to speak in a very direct but polite way, often starting the conversation with small talk. For instance, they often start conversation with the phrase, "How are you," to which the answer often is "fine" regardless of the actual state of mind. In addition to this, American culture values individualism and privacy, which might be disorientating to those who are used to a close-knit community. Despite this, average Americans are always happy to provide aid to those in need arou