
Description: A digital preservation project aimed to be an online archive of the site of U2's fallen Joshua Tree.

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That spontaneous 20 minute photo session forever tied the Yucca brevifolia with the band. 1987’s “The Joshua Tree” became one of the world’s best selling albums and is frequently listed amongst the greatest albums of all time. In 2014, “The Joshua Tree” was selected for preservation in the US National Recording Registry , having been deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the Library of Congress .

While the songs on The Joshua Tree have been recorded for preservation, sadly the album’s namesake lies dead on the desert floor of the Mojave Desert. Estimations speculate that the tree fell in the year 2000 and in that time fans of the band have come from all over the world to experience this hallowed ground.

The goal of this project is to digitally preserve this piece of musical history through 3D recreation. In January 2020, I visited the location of this historic site and took 3,937 photographs of the tree and its surroundings in order to construct a perfect 3D model recreation.