- Home - The Herb Prof

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herbal medicine (530) herbal remedies (174) whole food supplements (15) natural healing herbs

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Before I had cancer I thought that disease was a very complicated topic only for doctors and research scientists.   Plus, from the documentaries and movies I watched I learned that disease could also be dramatic.   When I visited someone in the hospital or I was there myself I was in awe and intimidated by the doctors and nurses.   They were working in a realm of mystery where things you could not see could kill you.   They had machines that appeared very complicated and powerful, some used radiation or sou

Well, I learned different when I beat my cancer with Thompsonian Naturopathic Medicine  (see biography).   Here is what I learned and it is the direction I would like to see this website go.   Disease is not complicated it is actually very simple and the application of common sense techniques can defeat any disease.   All germs and viruses are weak and can be defeated easily with cleansing and nutrition.   There is only one cancer and it is a disease joke if you know what to do and you are willing to do wha

When I cured my cancer the fear I had of disease was gone forever.   Today, when someone pulls their hand away from me saying "I do not want to give you my flu" I laugh because I have not had a cold or flu for over 18 years.   I have no fear of cancer, viruses, germs, heart disease or any so called incurable diseases because I know the truth.   And as they say "the truth will set you free"; and that is just where I'm at, free.   If you want drama and a health system that is more about disease than it is abo

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