- The Great Turning

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All those monthly per user fees add up, especially for little volunteer organisation that run on the smell of an oily rag. Google offers some fantastic free tools for online teams, including Drive and Docs. Most small teams end up sharing files and folders with each other, thinking quite naturally, that they are doing the right thing. On the surface, everything looks fine, until you suddenly can't find any of those files that Maria shared last year before she left the team. The longer you use shared folders

Google Shared Drives (formerly Team Drives) is the solution to this. Ownership of every file and folder rests with the drive. It is clean and simple and operates the way many people (mistakenly) assume that Shared Folders operates. If you have an extensive set of Shared Folders then have a read about the migration process before jumping in.

Google Shared Drives comes at a price. You need a Google Workspace (formerly GSuite) Business Standard account - AUD$16.80 per user per month - about AUD$200 per user per year. 

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