- The Gothenburg Crew – First in, last out!

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The Gothenburg Crew was a group of freelance stagehands based in Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2012, we joined together to form a co-op of experience and work under the banner of The Gothenburg Crew and in 2022 we split up because we simply wanted different things.

There are and will still be a lot of people proudly wearing The Gothenburg Crew merchandise and most of us still consider ourselves family. However, we will no longer be providing crew for other companies under The Gothenburg Crew name. The booking system, and overall concept, may return in some form in the future (possibly under a different name, with some of the same key people) but for now, this is a remembrance page with photos from our time together.

If you have come to this page looking for crew in the Gothenburg area (or anywhere else in Sweden) please see the companies listed below. These are companies that we generally know and trust. Some of them are used to providing crew for major stadium events and some are more suitable when you are looking to staff conferences, exhibitions, club shows, or other types of events.