- thecyclingblog

Description: An entertaining and informative cycling blog for all levels of cycling enthusiasts

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At lunchtime today I was out for a quick spin on my bike. As I was coming back towards Clonmel on the Wood road a large truck overtook me. It did the entire process to perfection. The driver indicated and with no oncoming traffic smoothly went right over to the other side of the road…

The race begins the day before. It actually began weeks, months and perhaps years before but that longer timeframe is more about the training involved to get there and best left to your coach, training programme or club. Here we are concerned with just the race itself. The day before you will wash and clean…

One year in the Kiely Cup in Carrick on Suir a certain unnamed local rider chased another local rider when he attacked with 8km to go. I know this because they both told me all about it. One guy sees it as what would have been potentially the biggest win of his career lost due…