- The Counsel Collective

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Organizations have a legal responsibility and moral obligation to create workplace environments where all members of their organization feel a sense of safety, inclusion, belonging and trust. Diversity in our community has had a sharp increase in the past few years according to the 2020 census report. With an increased population of Hispanic, Asian, and multi-racial Americans, businesses have the opportunity to enrich their work culture. According to the Harvard Business Review, for businesses to truly reap

We’re not about checking boxes, we’re about real change and we’re willing to do the work alongside you to ensure that it happens! const firstSection = document.querySelector('.page-section'); const header = document.querySelector('.header'); const mobileOverlayNav = document.querySelector('.header-menu'); const sectionBackground = firstSection ? firstSection.querySelector('.section-background') : null; const headerHeight = header ? header.getBoundingClientRect().height : 0; const firstSectionHasBackground =

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