- The Brew Geek's Weblog | Just some ramblings from an obsessed beer geek.

Description: Just some ramblings from an obsessed beer geek.

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I’m fully aware its been a while since I posted anything on here. Hey what can I say. I’m a lazy procrastinator. Several post have been stewing in my brain, or been half written. What can I say, procrastination has worked for me in the past. Need to write a paper on Nietzsche, sexism, and the anti-semitic tone of “The Superman”? Keep putting it off…put it off some more….oh shit it’s due in a few days?!? Time to burn the midnight oil at the library, and walk away with a solid B. Seemed to work like a charm f

Then again German philosopher Martin Heidegger once described procrastination as follows; Procrastination is like masturbation. Sure it feels great and all. In the end you’re just fucking yourself…….Wait a second was that Heidegger, or just some drunken bar philosophy?!? I guess it’s a bit of a miracle I ever passed a philosophy class.

In addition to procrastinating on blog posts, I’ve been equally lazy in the home brewing department. I’m sort of to the point of being a H.I.N.O.(home brewer in name only). In effort to exclaim my truer home brewing status, I need to get out and brew more. Before the ass kicking heat of summer kicks in, and my homegrown hops dictate I brew a tasty fresh hop ale, I’m going to squeeze in a holiday brew that should be perfect by Thanksgiving.