- The Birth Chart | Free Birth Chart Report Astrology Reports & Charts

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The Birth welcomes you to our free astrology chart and information site. Looking for instant access to your astrological birth chart, natal chart and astrology reports? You have come to the right place! GET A FREE BIRTH CHART . The full range of birth data reports are found in OUR STORE or take a look at A SAMPLE BIRTH REPORT . Stuck for A GIFT IDEA ? Why not have a report emailed directly to a friend or relative with your own personalized message?

It's free to do short reports of friends and store unlimited charts in the MY ACCOUNT section, whilst learning about the basics of the art in ABOUT ASTROLOGY We do not just deliver birth charts; we have a wide range of astrological birth reports available through our store where you can discover much more about yourself or your friends and family. We hope you enjoy!

A free birth chart is a great way to begin to understand more about your character traits, personality and nature you were born with, using the horoscope. The energy indicated at the birth time by planets in the zodiac are reflected in you too! Your free birth chart is as individual to you as your fingerprints.

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