- The Best Motherfucking Website

Description: Your motherfucking websites got nothing compared to this beauty.

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Your motherfucking websites got nothing compared to this beauty.

If you look at the granddaddies of motherfucking websites, every single one of them say that websites are bloated, and therefore need to look fugly to stay lightweight. What a stupid idea.

You guys fucking complain about page load while trying to load YouTube from your Google Fiber whereas I, a third-world country peasant, would cry tears of actual joy if true broadband connection would ever reach us. Y'all keep trying to pretend that page bloat is a big fucking issue, and that the existence of JavaScript has become a bane to humanity's shitty existence, yet forgot that web performance is something that requires some TLC and actual fucking effort, and all of the page bloat hoohah doesn't even

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