- Alles rund um dein Haustier!

Description: Du möchtest erfahren, bei welchen Symptomen du mit deiner Fellnase zum Tierarzt gehen solltest? Besuche diesen Blog regelmäßig für relevante Tipps!

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I have a love-hate relationship with the closed veterinary groups on social media. I get annoyed by the negativity and complaining that often creeps into posts, and the passive aggressive (and sometimes not so passive!) squabbles that pop up all too often has made me delete the offending app from my phone on more than... Continue Reading →

“Oh, you’re a vet?!”  Two things are happening in the head of the person you’ve just met:  No. 1. They’re thinking of a question to ask you. About their horse, their granny’s cat, or their friend’s aunty’s designer Cockadoodlepoopywhip.  No. 2. They’ve just labelled you. With that label comes a list of expectations that they... Continue Reading →

Compared to many other professions, veterinary science is not what you would call a high performer on the salary front. Depending on who you ask, vet wages fall somewhere between that of a plumber and a hat rack.  But is this necessarily true? Over the 20-odd years of my career I’ve met a lot of... Continue Reading →