- The Advisor Group – The Advisor Group is a trusted Memphis business for over 20 years. Specializing in protecting your entire es

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Imagine this very real scenario. You go to your cardiologist and he puts you on a medication. Weeks later you visit your pulmonologist and she tells you to get off of that medication, because it could kill you. So a few weeks later you return to the cardiologist and he says if you don’t take it- it will kill you.

Wouldn’t it be great if these two doctors could just get in the same room and figure this out once and for all?

The same scenario applies to your estate. We see it all too often. A person asks their tax preparer a question about finances. They are told to go talk to their financial advisor. That advisor says he can’t give tax advice, so they need to go back to the tax preparer. And the estate attorney can’t answer tax or financial questions either. Wouldn’t it be great if all 3 of those people could talk to each other?