- The Ad Shop - Landing

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The Ad Engine is a fully-featured revenue platform that's integrated into YOUR Google Ad Manager Account. - Giving you the freedom and the data you need to maximize your revenue , more easily and more quickly. Expect all the latest features and technologies: Header Bidding, Lazy Loading, Ad Refreshing, Malware Monitoring, Complete Reporting, and Ad-Block Revenue Recovery. No more switching between ad partners because of low performance...or spending extra on development. With The Ad Engine, you have full-vi


Gone are the days of relying only on third-party ad networks to generate YOUR revenue! The Ad Shop fluidly connects Publishers and Advertisers, so it’s easier to put the right ads in front of the right audience . A captive and interested audience is the key to more clicks, better sales, and higher revenue. - The Ad Shop is a tool that helps publishers and advertisers maximize this often-overlooked and highly-effective way to boost your bottom line.

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