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Professional WordPress Design Techniques Why WordPress Is Best Done By Professionals For Both Design & Management WordPress Is A Brilliant Website Tool But Needs A Professional To Make It Work Best WordPress Is The World’s Favourite Website Platform For a good reason too. It is free, there is a huge level of support and it is relatively easy to build  which is why it powers nearly a third of the internet.

But ironically that is where its problems start. Many people use WordPress to build their own websites and quite frankly make a total mess of it in terms of security and design. There are inherent vulnerabilities in the structure that few amateur website builders know exist, let alone are able to fix, therefore there are major flaws that “professional” hackers can easily exploit with vast numbers of WP websites.

Most self-built designs can be identified at a glance too. Using free themes and a lack of knowledge, they look cheap, are unstructured and offer little quality and a poor user expreience for visitors. This together with no SEO knowledge, millions of websites sit invisible to Google in a black hole in cyberspace. Without professional help, this is where they will stay.