- "The special needs child" - a definition!

Description: The special needs Child. Living, loving and laughing through the trials of raising a child with special needs.

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Congrats and welcome to one of the few sites that will guide you on your special journey, from the baby day’s right through until the adult years of your child's life. Here you will be encouraged to get all the facts , and be supplied with the tools to become the best advocate for your child in your community. I realised very quickly, at the start of my unexpected journey, that most resources available to parents with special needs children can be very cold, clinical and factual . Doing any research online

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"Special needs" are simply defined by what a child cannot do... Delayed milestones, activities that cannot be done, Food that cannot be eaten and everyday tasks that we may take for granted, that cannot be achieved without help. "Special needs" is a term with many definitions, ranging from mild learning disabilities to severe mental retardation, terminal illnesses, food allergies or developmental delays. When a child needs help, outside of the ordinary, they have different needs that have to be met and diff