- That Pisses Me Off! The Official Blog of the Cranky

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In this politically correct world where a little ire is frowned upon and the village curmudgeon is reviled, isn't it nice for us blowhards to have a place to vent?

I'm Steve Temkin, a semi-pro grouch with a domain name I just couldn't resist sharing with the world. As this site develops, you'll be able to comment on my rants, have a place to tell the world what pisses YOU off, rate life's most exasperating irritations, read some guest ranters and take part in our annual "Chapped Ass" Award presentation to the things that piss us off the most each year.

Hang on while we get the plumbing done and turn this into a full-fledged blog-like thing... and if in the meantime you need to shoot your mouth off, email your rant to me.