- thatasiangrl – the anti-blog

Description: the anti-blog

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Hi! I know you’re thinking this is going to be a blogpost about how amazing my move to Utah has been, but… It hasn’t exactly been roses. In fact, it’s been really REALLY hard. Tears, no sleep, stitches, fevers and more tears-that about sums up our almost month of living here in Utah. Truth is, I thought it would be easy. I thought it would be a pretty effortless transition. I mean, we prayed and prayed for God to show us the way and He opened all the doors and led us to Utah, right? And that’s when I got my

How do you keep someone’s memory alive? Ever since my uncle passed away, there’s been a hole in my heart, in my life, and in my days. They say it gets easier with time, but it’s been 5 years and I haven’t felt that yet. I struggle between trying to be strong and push on without him and just breaking down in tears and allowing myself to feel all the feelings. His birthday just passed and I wanted to honor him by sharing him with all of you through this post. My Uncle Keith was a sensitive soul. Every time I

Hello, Friends! I took an unintentional 2 month hiatus from the blog but it feels so good to be back! It’s crazy to think that half the year is gone and we’re still dealing with a lot of uncertainties. I think it’s safe to say that most of you feel the way I do: one minute I’m super optimistic and carefree and the next minute, I’m completely stressed out and overcome with anxiety. On top of all of that, my husband went back to work last week…leaving me alone with 3 kids. YIKES. And as much as that terrifies