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Book DescriptionWith its shimmering vistas of fog, light, and cityscape, San Francisco Bay is famous worldwide--yet very little known The bay, together with its inland delta, is one of the largest estuaries in the Americas It is a crucial bird habitat,a vital fishery, a major shipping center, a source of precious water, a playground for its cities, обяид a natural treasure in trouble, and a stirring challenge to our human stewardship John Hart's lyrical writing and David Sanger's eye-opening color photograp

Book DescriptionA Purple Heart is the token honor given to soldiers for their wounds It makes them heroes It is the title that Nina Berman has given to her photographs of American soldiers gravely wounded in the Iraq war, who have returned home to facelife away from the waving flags and heroic send-offs The images are accompanied by first-person interviews обяит with the soldiers, who discuss their lives, reasons for enlisting, and experience in Iraq They provide a glimpse into the myths of warfare as glori

Book DescriptionFeaturing more than 250 images, Why Mister, Why? is a compelling account from photojournalist Geert van Kesteren For the most part of 2003 and into 2004, van Kesteren made these images in a struggling Iraq, intertwining them with his personal experience of the situation in diary-like notes In that way, this body of work resonates обяищ with an honesty found only when the narrator and photographer of a story are one and the same The situation in Iraq, following the declaration of "mission acc