texaspropertytaxprotests.com - Texas Property Tax Protests

texas property tax protests

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O’Connor is the largest property tax consulting firm in the United States. O’Connor’s team of professionals possess the resources and unparalleled market expertise in the areas of property tax, cost segregation, and commercial and residential real estate appraisals. The firm was founded in 1974 and employs more than 550 professionals worldwide.

With our proprietary protest filing system, we coordinate more lawsuits and settle more binding arbitration cases than any other tax consulting firm in the nation.

O’Connor’s mission is to be the leading property tax advocate for taxpayers and to drive reforms in the Texas property tax appeal process. Our proven solutions continue to help taxpayers reduce their annual property tax rates. We are a pioneering expert in aggressive property tax reduction. O’Connor is also a leading expert in business personal property valuation. The book What You Need to Know about Personal Property Valuation was written by Patrick O’Connor , President of O’Connor.