terrymarshallfiction.com - Terry Marshall’s fiction writing celebrates cross-cultural life

Description: Terry Marshall’s fiction writing probes a world where different cultures collide. Men and women struggle, rejoice, fall in love, suffer. Their stories entertain, enlighten, provoke thought.

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Terry Marshall Fiction: A world where cultures collide Terry Marshall’s fiction writing probes a world where men and women of different cultures collide. They struggle with loneliness, misunderstanding, anger, confusion, conflict, hatred, at times violence. They rejoice in insights sparked by cross-cultural friendships. They fall in love, satiate their libidos, suffer from their excesses. At times, they're comic or silly or embarrassing. Sometimes, infuriating. Their fictional stories entertain, enlighten,

TerryMarshallFiction.com celebrates those stories. It also uses my novel, Soda Springs: Love, Sex, and Civil Rights , as a fiction writing workshop . . . I've salted the discussion with fiction writing tips, fiction writing hints, fiction writing exercises that will help other writers with their own fiction writing.

In a nutshell, here's what you'll find on this site. Read it. Enjoy it. Criticize it. Learn from it.

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