terrancognito.blogspot.nl - Terran

Description: Commentary on law, finance, awareness, consciousness, reincarnation, Andromeda, Pleiades, Earth Changes, UAP, UFO, ET, Aliens, and other Woo.

Example domain paragraphs

I was doing my gig job of driving people around Austin.  I picked up a passenger in a South Austin apartment just off of MOPAC Highway.  He was in his early 30s.  He asked me how old I was. I told him 66, but I don't feel that old.  

He said "My dad is 65, and has advanced Alzheimers.  How did you avoid it?"   Not a question I often get.  Nor one I'd ever thought I'd be expected to answer. Perhaps his dad no longer even remembers him?  He was clearly grieving up front on the visible loss of his father's memories and all that man ever meant to him. I know that emotion well, my family went through a similar up front grieving while my dad struggled with cancer for 2 years. 

I told him I have been careful most of my life about not cooking my food in aluminum pans. I avoid MSG and other excito-neuro toxins like aspartame.  I won't take statin drugs, as the brain is made of cholesterol and many people degrade fast upon a regimen of anti-cholesterol statin drugs. Know many friends who saw it happened to their parents on the advice of doctors.   I learned of a new one this week, di-acetyl, which is a flavoring chemical found in microwave "butter flavored" popcorn.  I don't eat much

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