templearchitecture.com - Hindu Temple Architecture, Indian Mandir Design, South Architects

Description: Himani agyani is the hindu temple architect in india, specialize in designing of vedic temples and executor for hindu temple.

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This installation has been custom-created by JEWELCRAFTZ and THOMAS BLAKEMORE and conceptualized by “Acharyaa” Himani “Shastri” , a much awarded astrologer and expert Vedic temple designer. Himani Shastri has come up with a unique and soulful design integrating her vast knowledge and experience in working upon the motivation, symbolism and social purpose behind the structure of temples. JEWELCRAFTZ works in close consultation with Himani Shastri   for its work in temple installations.

Together we combine handcrafting of finest gem grade stones within depth knowledge of the Art, the Vedas and Vastu to create a temple in perfect harmony with the energy of the house and the people who live in it.

“Mindfulness lies somewhere between spirituality and religiosity..” says Acharyaa Himani Shastri . “To achieve that communion with the energies of the Universe we have to strike a balance in the temples we set up within our homes.”

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