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Description: Use the Random 5 A Side Team Generator to make random teams. Paste in your list of names and the generator will split them into two teams.

random generator (15) random team generator (3) 5 a side generator random five a side generator random 5 a side teams football team generator random generator online online team generator

Example domain paragraphs

Our random football team generator is a free online tool that makes it easy to generate teams from a list of names. It's really simple to use, enter your list of names in the text box and click the button that says "GO!". The tool will then, in the blink of an eye, randomly generate two football teams from the players that you entered.

Use the tool to create teams for any sporting activity where you need to sort your players into two random teams. Alternatively, you can use it for anything that requires random teams, it doesn't necessarily have to be restricted to sport. The five a side team generator can be used for loads of different use cases.

Make sure to enter each individual name or item on a new line and then click the 'GO' button to generate your randomised teams. If you don't like the first two teams that are created? Just click again until you get one you're happy with. The ability to fairly seperate your mates into two seperate random teams is one not to be missed. It'll save so many arguments on your groupchat, it's worth it's weight in gold.