- TC4400

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The TC4400 is a laptop Tablet PC (unlike the iPad) made by HP Compaq. It is like a regular laptop in most ways except the screen swivels and turns around so you can fold it with the screen facing up and use it as a tablet. It shipped with Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, a modified version of XP Professional with tablet PC Enhancements. Versions after XP (Starting with Vista) had the tablet enhancements built in and there was no separate Tablet PC Edition. Windows versions since XP up to Windows 10 can be inst

Before the iPad came out there was talk of the "Apple" tablet. I was excited and thought it would be a MacBook Tablet PC. Since Apple switched to Intel/AMD (x86) Macs became PCs and could run Windows and Windows Programs. The idea of a MacBook with a touch screen that could run Windows and Mac programs blew my mind!!! But when the "Apple tablet" was released I was extremely disappointed that the "iPad" was just an oversized iPhone that could only run iPhone apps. Unlike BlackBerry, Android and others iPhone

The one listed here lists 512MB memory, mine has 2GB.