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I am looking for PhD students and postdocs to join my group: Openings

Research The modeling and control of modern applications such as autonomous driving or human-robot interaction can be excessively time-consuming or even unfeasible due to the growing complexity of technical systems. To address these challenges, data-driven models are a viable solution that requires minimal expert knowledge and have shown remarkable results. However, a major drawback of these models is their unpredictable outcomes, which limits their applicability to non-safety critical systems.

My research focuses on safe learning-based modeling and control of physical systems. I am working on developing novel data-driven control methods that ensure both safe operation and high-performance for the closed-loop system. In addition, I am exploring algorithms that incorporate physical prior knowledge into learning-based models to enhance their generalizability, reliability and interpretability. My research outcomes contribute to the development of safe, robust, and intelligent control methods for phys