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Description: Philosophical Books for the Blind, Inc. Supporting Humanity Through Life Long Learning For The Visually Impaired

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Philosophical Books for the Blind, Inc. Supporting Humanity Through Life Long Learning For The Visually Impaired

“THEOSOPHY, in its abstract meaning, is Divine Wisdom, or the aggregate of the knowledge and wisdom that underlie the Universe—the homogeneity of eternal GOOD; and in its concrete sense, it is the sum total of the same as allotted to man by nature, on this earth, and no more.” —H.P. Blavatsky,  The Key to Theosophy.

“THEOSOPHY is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child.” —William Q. Judge,  The Ocean of Theosophy .