tassosdimitriou.com - Prof. Tassos Dimitriou

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Tassos Dimitriou is a Professor in the Computer Engineering Department of Kuwait University (KU). Dr. Dimitriou conducts research in areas spanning from the theoretical foundations of cryptography to the design and implementation of leading edge efficient and secure communication protocols. Emphasis is given in authentication and privacy issues for various types of networks (adhoc, sensor nets, RFID, smart grid, ubiquitous computing, etc.), security architectures for wireless and telecommunication networks

Prior to joining KU,  Dr Dimitriou was an Associate professor at Athens Information Technology - Greece and adjunct faculty of  Information Networking Institute  at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. At AIT he was leading the Algorithms and Security group where the primary objective was to bring together expertise in education, research and practice in the field of information security and algorithms. A brochure and a snapshot of this research which is still ongoing can be seen here . Dr Dimitriou was also th

Dr Dimitriou's research in the above fields has resulted in numerous publications , some of which received distinction, and numerous invitations for talks in prestigious conferences. Furthermore, apart from his usual academic admin/teaching/research duties , he regularly consults with companies on topics related to security and he gives short and professional courses aimed at professionals and people who want to become familiar with the exciting field of network security.

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