tarahazlewood.org - The Tara Hazlewood Foundation

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Thank you to everyone who made a purchase to support two free, national non-profit mental health resources: Crisis Text Line and the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI). We were able to beat our goal of selling 150 shirts and you came through!

People across the country need access to free, confidential support, now more than ever. As a nation, we find ourselves in a state of crisis today. Many people feel unloved, unwanted, hopeless, desperate, depressed, and may see no way out of their current situation. We want to help them.

Tara Hazlewood was known for having a very generous “Open Heart.” Material possessions did not mean much to her. She would very often make people gifts instead of buying them and give away her possessions to people who needed them. Tara had a heart for the brokenhearted and maintained an open heart for those she felt God placed in her path.