taondmbtlms.com - TAOND

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moodle (13357) taond (2)

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As a qualified but not practicing nail technician I had rediscovered my love of nails and nail art after quite a few years away from the table. I looked around locally, in rural Australia, for a refresher course and specifically a nail art course however there was nothing that ticked all the boxes. I was very excited when I found TAOND and discovered they had courses that suited me and I could do the work online, at a time that suited me. The staff were very helpful, replied to every inquiry and question I

You all have made the experience of learning not so daunting and so accessible for me. I found the modules informative and up to date with the industry as well as the Tutors amazing in responding to questions concerns and always ready and able to give feedback. I appreciate how quickly the practices were marked after being submitted as it helped keep a flow going once I was doing the actual models and learning the procedures in the flesh and not just reading it. I loved the feedback where to improve and how

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