taniform.org - Taniform University Institute of Bamenda

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If you have just discovered Taniform University Institute Bamenda, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome and tell you a bit about why we are called a place to be. Our university located in the Educational Capital of Cameroon to be more precise in the North West Region of Cameroon with capital Bamenda, is a typical anglo-saxon University in Cameroon and in Africa. It can easily be reached by an all-season, from the Highways of the Centre Region, Douala (the economic capital of Cameroon)

And we of T.U. welcome the opportunity for a project that aims to do more than merely extend or reinforce long-standing strength and eminence. The T.U. Project calls upon us to articulate and affirm the fundamental values and purposes of higher education in the rapidly changing environment of a global and digital world—a world

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